Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Murphy's first blog!

Yep, I'm starting him off early! Murphy is blogging by age 7! He took all of the following pictures and did most of the retouching in Photoshop (I helped a little!) and he came up with the captions (I just typed it out for him!). So enjoy!
We got this disco ball for dad on his birthday. And I like the colors.

This is my favorite fish. And we got it from the pet store
This is my 2nd favorite fish. And we got him for the pet store also.
We were hunting for grasshoppers, but instead of hunting them we caught them and too pictures of these two grasshoppers and then I let them go, but not by our house, because they'll eat all of our vegetables.I found this grasshopper and it was huge. I pretended that I was going to eat it. And I decided to make me rainbow!I found this orange grasshopper and I thought it was a cricket. And I didn't really find the orange grasshopper, it was KirbyI took another picture of this big one, and I decided the background should be polkadotted.
I saw a pretty sunset and I decided to take a picture of it because it was cool.

1 comment:

Hendricksonblog said...

Good for him, i wouldnt even know how to do any of that, especially the holding the grasshopper part. Yuck I hate them.