Thursday, June 18, 2009

It's on Sale!

I remember years ago going to the French Lady and the Blue Boutique, and thinking that being a pervert is so expensive! Well Ladies and Gentlemen, that's no longer the case! Yesterday morning I was going through the store ads when I came across the Healthy Living Section at Harmons. I was laughing so hard, I decided to post a blog about it! (yes, my sense of humor hasn't progressed much since the 7th grade!)

Yes! Not only is pervy-ness cheaper, it's now healthy for you too!


Julee said...

LOVE it!

Hendricksonblog said...

Yeah, your not the only one whos brain never made it beyond sixth grade.

Unknown said...

There is nothing wrong with a little naked juice between amorous couples.

Justin really needs a better pick up line. "Hey baby, would you like some of my nut butter?". Other than being perverse, I think Justin should have his prostate examined.

And next time we have a costume party, keep the damned pirates away from the beans. Ok, maybe the one with an eye patch really had irritable bowel syndrome or some other medical problem, but those Booty Puffs really ruined the party.

TammaRamma said...

That's why I love you honey! We've got the same sick n'wrong sense of humor! Ha ha ha! You crack me up!

Dottie said...

I'm so glad to know you can still spice up your love life on a budget! Thanks for the info, I'm headed to the store right now!

Hendricksonblog said...

Logan is done being bent out of shape that Murphy won the movie tickets. Good job, I love him to learn to lose and how to do it graciously...(hes still working on the last part a bit).
I was thinking the booty puffs absorbed sound....