Here it is next to a quarter, for reference. Isn't it a beauty? Don't worry, we did a catch and release with this monster. After the photoshoot, I put him back outside! (Makes ya wanna come visit my house huh?)
While we're at it....
While we're at it....
Here's a cockroach we found at Disneyland last year! Look at the size of that motha!
And here's our cat! Why, next to that quarter, he's huge!!!!!
That spider is pretty cool looking! Just the right time of year for it to....Halloween!
That is totally creepy. You are a better wife than me!
You never cease to amaze me. That spider has made me itchy all over. If it makes its way to my house I think I will move. Love the cat addition with the quarter. I love the way your brain works.
Remind me not to walk through your back yard! You don't think spiders can cross the street?
That's a wolf spider! They can get pretty darn big. They are wanderers, and tend to look for their prey at night. They aren't a spider that likes to stay on a web for very long. They aren't poisonous, but can still bite.
He, he, he, and quarter, best laugh today so far.
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